
Approved Training Course Provider for -
'Working At Heights' (WAH)
Pro-North is an approved training provider for the "Working At Heights" (WAH) course.
"Falls are a major cause of injury and death in Ontario workplaces. The vast majority of these incidents are falls from heights—even though the height may be no more than two or three metres." (IHSA.ca,2023)
Working at heights (WAH) training is mandatory for workers who may use a method of fall protection to protect themselves from a fall hazard. Employers must ensure that their workers are provided with working at heights training that has been approved by the Prevention Office of the Ministry of Labour, Training, and Skills Development (MLTSD). A WAH refresher course must be taken every three years to maintain this training.
You'll find Pro-North and all other Training Providers for Working at Heights on the Ministry of Labor website: www.labor.gov.on.ca. Additional resources and materials can be found at https://www.ihsa.ca/Topics-Hazards/Fall-Prevention-Working-at-Heights.aspx
If you have any questions about Working at Heights training and your obligations under this new legislation, call us today 705-256-1514 or email info@pronorth.net